First things first, I think I should date back to my first blog when I wrote about the rediculously high tech toilets that are found in various locations with various capabilities. I did not realize that in a matter of a day I can find myself utilizing many different kinds of toilets. So as my first impression of toilets was based on the noise making, private part cleaning toilets found in the seminar house, I soon realized that toilets change drastically from place to place. The ol' eastern style toilets...not so high tech, but a cultural gem. Interesting how you can feel as if your being pampered while doing your duty, or feel like you are excercising and just resting for a second in between squats. Thank you Japan for making it incredibly easy to see first hand a segment of the evolution of toilets.

Another one of the pre-arrival assumptions about Japan was based on a somewhat stereotypical western idea on why Japanese people are often times so small and skinny. "It must be because they eat so healthy, rice and fish everyday, right bro?" Now I'm not trying to see that I have a reason why Japanese people are so skinny, I'm just saying that the food isn't always as healthy as a westerner may assume. I must say that my decision to come to the Osaka region was based largely on the fact that Osaka is known as the culinary capital of Japan. Sold. But I quickly realized that the people in this region, or perhaps all of Japan, have a love for fried foods, and they sure do love their mayonnaise. Don't get me wrong, I do too. But I'm pretty sure its not the karage with mayonnaise for dippin that keeps these people so skinny. But when it comes to skinny people, once again, don't get me wrong, I'm not complainin'.

On a final brief note, let me just say to all the western men who now what I'm talking about...The assumption you have about Japanese women, for the most part, its not true. And thats all I have to say about that.
Finishing up with squat toilets and mayo... Seems appropriate. But I hope people are reading your blog for info about Japanese culture and not tips for nampa techniques... Thank you for your efforts.